Home Forums Weaver Xtreme Theme Video in Header flashing to header image on upload

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    I only want the video on this site to be on the home page.  I used the customizer and that is what I got.  I was super happy until I saw that on upload I get a flash to the other header images that are used on other pages.  I then thought, well I will just delete those and add them per page.  When I did that it flashed the page first then the video.

    The page is frontstreetgallery.com

    Do you have a better idea of how to use the video without the flash?

    As always, thank you in advance for any help you can give me.


    I can’t see where the image below the video comes from.

    How did you add the header image, and how did you add the Video header?


    The image below the video was the header image prior to the video being uploaded.  Both were installed via the customizer.  It says that the image will be used if the video is unavailable.  Interesting enough the other image is on all the pages except the home page where the video is.

    When I removed the other images the page flashed before the video loaded.

    ALSO  the video isn’t showing on mobile, I can’t figure out why.


    I suspect this is a WordPress issue and how they handle “the image will be used if the video is unavailable”

    How do you set a video header only for a single page in the customizer?

    And I don’t believe video header are supported on mobile.


    Definitely looks like a WordPress Bug as I have the same issue.

    One work around could be to set a featured image for this page which is a plain colored image matching the background color, and set the Featured image to be used as the Header image replacement on that page.

    , did you notice that when we set a header Video together with a header image, at load time the header image flashes briefly before the video is displayed?


    Thanks Scrambler, I will give that a try.


    Another may be better solution would be to use a screen grab of the Video first frame as the featured image.

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