Home Forums Weaver and Plugin Interaction TinyMCE Advanced Editor Tools Not Activating Is this a Possible Weaver 2.2 Compatibility Issue?????

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    I installed and activated TinyMCE Advanced Editor into my Weaver 2.2 Theme. It appears in the menu after I click on Settings. I have saved changes multiple times. I have even restarted my computer (Mac computer) numerous times. However, when I go to edit a Page or Post, I still have only the default editor options in my editor menu. I am wondering if there may be a conflict with the Weaver 2.2 Theme, but I did not experince any error messages indicating an incompatibility issue. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

    I would love to have TinyMCE Advanced Editor and feel very limited without it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


    TinyMCE Advanced is no longer supported, and may not work any more.

    That editor is now called WP Edit. It is a newer version under a new name. Try that.

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